____________________________________________________The legal restriction on numbers attending funerals has been removed; however, all households are encouraged to keep a physical distance from people in other households. It is important to remember that mixing in the community without maintaining physical distancing measures helps the virus to spread widely. It is therefore important that people remain vigilant and follow the guidance from the Scottish Government to keep a physical distance from those in other households. It is recommended that congregations consider whether keeping distancing throughout a church building will be a useful mitigation to continue in the months that lie ahead. The decision on capacity within a church building rests with the congregation after a Risk Assessment and should not be altered at the request of a family for a larger funeral. It is important to remember that if a distance is maintained for an act of worship on a Sunday, it should be maintained for a funeral.
Face coverings should be worn by everyone attending a funeral unless a medical exemption is in place and all other guidance for worship should be followed.
Please contact our Office Administrator who will give you contact details for our Locum Minister, before you make any arrangements with a funeral director. He will be happy to advise and assist you and is happy to conduct the funeral of anyone who lived in the parish.