Welcome to Old High St Stephen's Church, Inverness

Month: November 2023 Page 1 of 2

OHSS Sunday Service – 26 November 2023

Preacher : Rev James Bissett

Music : Alyn Ross

Reader : Margaret Neville

Welcome and Intimations


Call to Worship

Hymn 127 : O Worship the King, All Glorious Above


Hymn 462 : The King of Love My Shepherd Is

Introductory Thought

Hymn 59 (Psalm 95) : O come and Let us to the Lord

Reading :              Ezekiel 34 : 11-16, 20-24
                              Matthew 25 : 31-46


Hymn 666 : Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence


Hymn 724 : Christ’s is the World in Which We Move

Our OHSS Elders

Long Service Certificates

296 years of loyal service by 7 elders was recognised at the morning service in Old High St Stephen’s Church, Inverness on Sunday 19 November. The photo shows:

Back Row

Andrew Stevenson (38 years and recently retired as an elder), Jim Alexander (43 Years), Rev James Bissett Locum Minister at Old High St Stephen’s who presented the certificates, Ken Cantlay (44 years)

Front Row

Isobel Allan (30 years), Gordon Harvey (50 Years) Flora Milne (46 years), Stuart MacKenzie (45 Years)

New Elders

The Kirk Session were delighted that two new elders were admitted and ordained by James on Sunday 19 November.

Margaret Neville was originally ordained in West Kirk Dumbarton, then she moved to Helensburgh where she was an elder in Park Church, and Session Clerk from 2008 until 2012, when she moved to Inverness.  Margaret is a former school teacher and a member of the Church and Community Choirs.

Iain Russell was ordained as an Elder and is a retired General Practitioner and will be known to most of the congregation.

The Kirk Session and Congregation welcome their appointment and I am sure our members will give them a warm welcome when they visit.


OHSS Sunday Service – 19 November 2023

Preacher : Rev James Bissett

Music : Pam McCulloch

Reader : Malcolm Macrae

Welcome and intimations


Call to Worship

Hymn 248 : For my Sake and The Gospel’s Go


Ordination and Induction of New elders

Hymn 694 : Brother Sister Let Me Serve you

Reading:              Matthew 25 : 14-30

Hymn 86 (Psalm 126) : When Zion’s Fortunes God Restored


Hymn 513 : Courage Brother Do Not Stumble


Hymn 348 : Praise the one who breaks the darkness


Funeral Announcement – Mrs Annette Stoker

Mrs Stoker of Culduthel Road, Inverness, died on 14 November 2023.

Mrs Stoker’s funeral will be held on Monday 27 November 2023 at 12.30pm at St Stephen’s Church, Southside Road.

Further details from the Funeral Director : Messrs John Fraser & Son (01463) 233366

Funeral Announcement – Dean Archie Grant Barrow

Mr Barrow died on 6th November 2023, aged 36 years, dearly loved son of Tina and Graeme Watt, loving dad to Finlay and Grace, a much loved brother, grandson, nephew, cousin and friend.

Funeral service on Thursday 16th November at 11am in St. Stephen’s Church, Southside Road, Inverness thereafter to Inverness Crematorium. All welcome to attend. Family flowers only please. Donations in memory of Dean for Cale House can be given at the service.

Further details from the Funeral Undertakers Messrs John Fraser & Son (01463) 233366

OHSS Sunday Service – 12 November 2023

Preacher : Rev James Bissett

Music : Ron Stevenson

Reader : Colin Craig

Welcome and intimations


Call to worship

Hymn 192 : All My Hope on God is Founded


Introductory Thought

Hymn 528 : Make Me a Channel of your Peace

Reading:              Matthew 5 : 38-48

Revelation 22 : 1-5

Hymn 11 (Psalm 20) : May God Draw Near when the Hour of Trouble Strikes

Act of Remembrance

Choir  : I Watch the Sunrise



Hymn 260 : Eternal Father Strong to Save

Inverness Choral Society – 19 November 2023

Tickets are £15 each  (under 16s free), available through the Choral website  www.invernesschoral.org.uk or at the door.

Crown Church November Newsletter

Please click on the link below:


Highland Hospitals Carol Concert 2023

Military Wives Concert at Inverness Cathedral

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