It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Cliff Sim.
A retired Bank Manager, Cliff faithfully served the Congregation of Old High St Stephen’s in many roles over the years, as Treasurer, Free Will Offering Treasurer, and Chair of the Old High Organ Restoration Appeal. He was also a conscientious and well-loved Elder. His hard work and willingness to serve the Church was a great inspiration to others. He was also a great supporter of the local Burns Club and of Inverness Caley Thistle Football Club.
Cliff died at Raigmore Hospital on 5 September 2022. He was 78 years of age.
Funeral service on Tuesday 20 September at 12 noon in St Stephen’s Church, Southside Road, Inverness; thereafter to Kilvean Cemetery.
The funeral will be on YouTube St Stephen’s live streaming 5 minutes before the start.
All welcome to attend. Family flowers only please. Donations welcome for Maggie’s Highlands and Chest, Heart & Stroke Inverness.
More information from the Funeral Director John Fraser & Son, Chapel Street, Inverness (01463) 233366